Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break

This is finals week of the third quarter. That also means this is almost the beginning of the LAST quarter. No school for students on Friday and then a week off and then the beginning of the END.

For some that is exciting. Maybe it means no more being a freshman (person) and some kids in the building that have less status. For some it means a drivers' license and the sense of starting to be independent. For some it means a year closer to graduation and off to college.

For that select group (seniors - the Class of 2010) it means being closer to graduation and off to college (or somewhere). These are the ones who are starting to get cold feet. Spring break sounds like the great adventure and all the excitement that we knew but never experienced from those pop movies - Fun on the Beach - Wild Party Weekend - Spring Break - all with music, songs and dancing.

But separation anxiety is real. Believe it or not they understand they are growing up and responsibility is right on the other side of that graduation stage. It is a time of joy and celebration and a time of reflection and sadness. Our baby just isn't that baby any more. That scares both of you.

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