Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cell Phone Secutiry at School

Cell phones are easy to turn into cash. As the previous post from the Minneapolis Police in a recent issue of the Start Tribune, stated, reports of cell phone thefts have increased.

At school it is a good habit to be aware of where you place your cell phone. Placing a cell phone - or ipad or calculator - in an open back pack or sticking high outside your pants pocket is not a safe location. Sitting it beside you at lunch is an easy mark for someone looking to make a quick buck.

Getting college ready means being prepared for college. Being responsible for your personal belongings is an important lesson to learn. You can't just leave your "stuff" all over the place and expect it to be there when you remember you left it.

As these expensive devises get smaller they are easier to misplace. A non-zipped pocket of a back pack is just asking for trouble. Walking down the hall or sitting in a hallway or next to a desk does not insure security. If you have an open zipper on the bag, it is open to theft.

Learn to protect your belongings. Put expensive equipment safely away in a closed (and locked) compartment. Don't be an easy mark.

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