Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's Party Time!

Spring is in the air. Warmer weather is not far behind. Time to have parties on the weekends. You know those sleep overs and let's spend the night at "Joe's."

Do you know where your child is on Saturday night. Who he/she is with and how safe she/he might be. We want our children to have fun, enjoy being young, and have great experiences. Sometimes in the name of a good time the young go too far.

Binge drinking is a problem. Those innocent parties frequently are great opportunities to sneak in a water bottle filled with some adult beverage. Before you know it, you have drunk teens and possible problems. The logic ones are driving while under the influence, disorderly conduct and other problems in the night.

The more serious after effects of drinking can be alcohol poisoning, getting killed in a traffic accident and losing health and possible limbs in the name of a good time.

If are having a party or you are sending a child to a party please take a moment to telephone and make sure you have telephone numbers. Who exactly is attending the party and what are they suppose to be bringing. We want safe fun. We want children to live through their happy years.

Ask a question now so you do not have a major regret tomorrow.

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