Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Back to Normal Whatever that might be.

Being in a high school is normally sufficient excitement. The 13 to 19 age group present enough challenges without outside help. We are thrilled all the music and dance students, staff and parents arrived home safe, tired and in good spirits. Going through an emergency landing is a big deal. Being about six hours late is a big deal. The trip was a fantastic experience for all. It would nice next time to have a bit less drama. The long-term story potential for any trip usually is in itself all that is needed for many years to come. We made the Washington Post, the radio, television and TV. Not a bad day's work. But the story about Southwest being the number one high school in Minnesota was also carried by the Washington Post a few months ago. I suppose that is what grabbed the attention this time. Now we are back to school and IB and AP exams. May 1 is the college notification day. April is almost over and we are moving too quickly to graduation. The trip was great. The delays frustrating. The experience priceless.

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