Thursday, September 25, 2014

Southwest Family Infomation

Good afternoon, this is Principal Bill Smith of Southwest High School.  The safety and well being of all our students are our first priority.


I’m calling to share that there was an incident between two of our students that occurred in the commons area at the end of the first lunch period. The police were notified to assist with the situation. The vast majority of students were cooperative and proceeded to class, continuing their school day.


Once the situation was settled, another student experienced a medical emergency and required an ambulance. We delayed the beginning of the second lunch by two minutes in order to respond to the situation.


I want you to be informed and assured that our students are in class and learning. We will continue to monitor the situation and we will maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for all our students.


Thank you.  If there are questions, please call me at 612-668-3036 or use my email.

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