Sunday, September 9, 2012

We've Settled and On We Go

We start the third week of school now as experienced high schoolers. The newness has worn off. We renewed friendship. We found new friends and involved in new activities.  We realize we are back to school.  Even the temperatures have declared fall.

So it is getting to class.  Being prepared for class and learning.  Leaning is not a passive activity.  Frequently it is hard work and perseverance.  Being prepared means bringing the right equipment to class - book, paper, writing instrument.  Being prepared means the reading assignment is done or the homework completed.  It means being responsible.

Responsibility is not a nature instinct.  It is taught and learn.  Part of growing up is learning those responsibilities and developing self- respect.  We need to learn - I have the ability and I choose to ...

Asking for help is difficult when trying to be independent.  The difference in needing support and displaying weakness is a thin line at this age.  Sometimes we have to gently suggest and guide. Sometimes we have to make the decision and move on.  In the next few days, if not already, school will challenge the student.  The challenge may be homework and assignments. The challenge may be to accept high school age behaviors. The challenge may be to face difficult problems and tasks.

School is on.  Hopefully you are planning on attending Open House Tuesday the 11th starting at 6:30 pm in the auditorium.  It is going to be another great year.

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