Saturday, December 10, 2016

Supporting Children and Donating for Overdue Lunch Fees

This winter, one small, easy thing you can do for kids in our community is help pay off an overdue lunch account. 

For many of our families this past years have been financially difficult.  Few employment opportunities, low wages, high expenses and other money emergencies have left many families with school age children with limited cash.  The school will continue to see that all children have a breakfast and lunch.  Thus, many families have large lunch obligations that are unpaid.
There are about 4,000 overdue accounts in our district, with a total balance of $160,000. However, gifts as small as $25 can pay off an account for a student and mean a great deal to a family having a tough time making ends meet. 
If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation through Achieve Minneapolis, the district's nonprofit partner, follow these simple steps:

  1.    Go to
  2. Select a gift of any amount
  3. Under Designation, where it says, "Specify MPS school, fund or program," select "Other" -- designate "Southwest High School"
  4. In the box below, type "Nutrition Services - School Lunch"
  5. Complete the form and click "Donate"!

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