Sunday, October 24, 2010

Grades - Semester - Nine Weeks - What now?

In response to numerous questions, as I have posted before, the entire District moved to semester grades. That means there will be two and one two grades per school year on your student's transcript from this year on.

In the traditional 9-week grading period, there were four grades on the transcript that then became part of the grade point average, class rank, etc. The two grades per school year allow the student 18 weeks (as compared to nine weeks) to earn a grade that will be part of the permanent record.

The opinion I expressed before, which I still believe, is that this will have the greatest effect on incoming 9th graders. Many have an adjustment period and the first 9-week grading period has a tendency to be the student's worst. Thus, an 18-week grading period provide a cushion for the transition and allows the student sufficient time to bounce back and maintain a higher GPA. I believe that the older students have figured out high school and after the 9th grade, that first grading period is no higher or lower than others. Now you have to question the very last 12th grade quarter, There are a few seniors that relax and that last quarter can be as low as the first. The semester grade will cause one to think about a "let-down" period.

The key to all of this is communication. Regardless of the number of weeks in a grading period, knowing your student's academic status is important. If a person (student or family member) has not paid attention to the grades for 4 weeks, or 9, or 18 there could be a problem. Shortening or lengthening the number of weeks between grading periods should not be a learning factor. It may be a communication factor.

The Parent Portal makes attendance and grades available at any point during the school year. Yes, it takes access to a computer and it requires registering. This is not the first year for the portal and many parents have been signed in to the portal for several years.

Without the portal (or a return to the old days), communication with the school is still important. The person who knows what is going on the best is the student. By talking to you son or daughter you have an idea of the need to talk with the teacher. Even without that conversation you know if you see books come home once is a while and if you see tests, quizzes or homework papers - many with grades. If you have not seen evidence of any of this, you need to be talking to teachers. That is true whether there is a 4 week or 9 week or 18 week grading period.

After October 29, students who have earned a D or and F in any class with receive a letter of concern mailed directly to the home. All other grades will be available through your classroom teacher. In many situations, the teacher will meet directly with the individual student or give individual grades that 9th week.

Parent Teacher conferences are Wednesday evening 4-8 November 3 and 9-5 on Thursday Nov 4th. There is no school on November 5th, Friday.

Check the Parent Portal or contact the classroom teacher.

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