Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mid Term Reports Mailed Home

Second quarter mid-terms were sent to homes this past week. Only families of struggling students were suppose to receive a mid-term. But many families received confusing blank information.

If your child is receiving a D or F in a class you received the mid- term report with that letter grade clearly indicated on the report.

However, many families received a report with a class and/or teacher's name and no letter grade or some letter grade other than D or F. If there is a grade that grade is correct but it could be blank which would indicate that your child is not earning a D or F in that class. Some families did not receive a mid-term report which also indicates that the child is not earning a D or F in any class.

We are seeking the reasons for this error and we have determined ha few. The bottom line is that it was a mistake. But the families with children earning a D or F did receive the correct information.

If you have question, please contact the teacher or your student's counselor.

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