Friday, December 20, 2013

January 14 at 7:00 pm - Teens and Stress and How to Support

BIO:  Anne Gearity, PhD is a clinical social worker with a mental health practice in Minneapolis.  She is clinical faculty at the U of M Department of Child Psychiatry and School of Social Work as well as teaching in an infant mental health post graduate program.  In addition, she consults to agencies and schools about mental health needs of children and adolescents.  Her writing interests include an educational model of mental health and fluency: talking to children and teens in helpful ways.


PROGRAM DESCRIPTION :  Educators and parents need to encourage self-reliance and self-motivation in teens.  This is part of their learning mandate, as much as academic mastery.  This workshop will address tasks of adolescence and how adults can best support teens as they practice autonomy. We will focus on what happens when learning is compromised by stress, learning difficulties, and mental illness; and how to build educational supports that help teens better appreciate and enjoy school.
Course is posted on eCompass for teachers throughout the district.  The course is a re-licensure topic for mental health.

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