Friday, January 6, 2012

Winter Break Blues

Ok it is Friday and the last regular non-school day of the two-week winter break. Saturdays and Sunday's don't count as a break since there would no school on those days anyway.

That means you have about twelve hours to finish all the stuff you thought you would over the break. Smetimes those break rsolutions are worse than new years ones. I need to finish that book, fix that machine, sew that dress, learn the thirteen irregular past perfect verbs in Greek, or maybe get some rest. Whatever it might have been time is moving.

One way to deal with the issue is not. Accept the fact that it is not going to happen. Spend the remaining hours finding logical reasons why you really didn't want to do that anyway. In fact once you start thinking about it you are sure that it is fortunate that you didn't waste your time doing it. it was the wrong idea in the first place. Now that you have adequate time to consider all options there is someone better to do. Thank goodness you didn't ruin winter break on those stupid things.

Monday will be here and we can relive the adventures and hours we spent over the past two weeks away from friends. Not counting the hours on the phone or social network or whatever, we hardly talked to one another. Oh, there will be spring break and we'd start now making lists of the things we are not going to do then.

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