Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May and we take tests

The Merry Month of May at Southwest is one continuous "on my way to take a test" month. We give AP and IB tests every day. Some are at the school and many are off site as there just isn't sufficient room for all the various tests and times and various conditions that must be in place.

We could not do it without the fantastic support of many parents and community members. Proctoring a test for two to three hours is not exciting but a vital requirement to meet the testing standards. Without hours of volunteer help from parents and friends, we could not meet the numbers of students testing.

Many students will do very well on these national and global tests. Numerous college and universities recognize the merit of these Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate tests and provide credit or special advance status to the qualifying students. Hard work and effort in high school does literally pay off. Thousands of dollars in college tuition are saved through the efforts of these students on the tests and in their classes years before.

Thank you to our volunteers. Thank you to our students for their tremendous efforts in meeting the needs of their own future.

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