Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dance to the Sound of Science

You really needed to see this one. The 9th grade science classes are part of a national program using physical movement (dance) to express, explain, demonstrate, learn science. The project started as a graduate class for Ph.D. research scientist class. How does one take abstract concepts and make them real?

The 9th graders attended a program at the Crowles Auditorium and experienced firsthand the blending of dance and science. Now the 9th grade young scientists are working with our Dance Company to put it all together.

So today it was out into the halls and commons trying to physically display gravity and energy and force and equilibrium. And it worked!

This will continued to be developed into a program for your pleasure and some video tapes and who knows what is next. The students went from being part of an auadience watching Ph.D. candidate scientists dance to making their own experience to being one in twenty years. Who knows.

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