Saturday, July 14, 2012

Class of 2016

The transitions are important. Whenever we move from a familiar situation into a new on, it can be frightening and a little unnerving. The step from the eighth grade to high school is a major transition in the lives of our children. Even if it is something we are looking forward to with excitement and anticipation the change can be challenging. Southwest strives to support the entry of 9th graders into the program. We need their excitement, fresh eyes and the energy of being new. For many the first contact will be fall sports. Joining a team and meeting some older students can be a great break into high school. Students are encouraged to look at the web site and learn about clubs and activites. Not all students are involved in sports all year long. Clubs offer the same social opportunities. The first Friday once school starts is an opportunity to meet other students and learn about clubs and activities. The summer is ideal to gradually to adjust to the possibilities. If you are not familiar with the area of the schools location or various routes to get to and from school, this is a good field trip adventure. Mentally having a picture is better than thinking of this big unknown. School is school and there are some school supplies which assist in thinking about the start. The move is not to a far and distance unknown place but a school. So while it is going to be different it is not an experience that is completely strange. The student is encouraged to think about the first days and weeks. Making friends and finding a way to be comfortable is the goal. The Class of 2016 is another wonderful group of students and families joining the adventure of high school at Southwest. Since 1940 exciting students came to the school with dreams and high ambitions. We know that this is the beginning of the journey to be College and Career Ready. See you soon.

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