Friday, September 25, 2009

Math, English, Science, Humanities

How many diagonals do you have in a 9 sided figure? What would be the result of this acid placed on this metal for X length of time? Given the location of the two rivers what can we conclude about the developing city? To be or not to be or maybe just two bees in a pod or is there a mist or fog over the glen?

Walking down a hallway in our school is a learning treat! Yes, these may be a little fictional but the spirit is there. Questions, discussions, pauses for reflection and wonders of new discoveries. I am not sure where it could be more exciting. Each step is a small image of the future -- these young people - years from now - asking questions of the society - demanding answers through the environment and challenging the "why not."

It rained today and that was a change in the weather so we were a little more excited so maybe that was just it... or maybe learning is exciting and wonderful. To look out and see what has not been seen before or to dream of places and happenings that are yet to be. What about a cure for... If we made this change how many more could we feed........ Rule of Law for all is possible if ...........

Walking down a hallway in your school is exciting.

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