Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day 2010-11

Well the first day is behind us. One fact is that it was HOT! Maybe we are spoiled with all of our air conditioning, but it was a bit uncomfortable. But the good news is that day one was a keeper!

We made it to classes and off we went into the world of academia and learning. In many of the classes as you wandered around would be difficult to tell if is first day or thirty. It was a super day for learning.

There are some really large classes. We are working numerous hours to make some common sense moves to make this work for all students. Those students who have serious special and academic needs are enrolled in small classes -- many smaller than 15. We are working on those larger numbers. The education of no child will be endangered. The large classes may necessitate a change in schedules of numerous students as we add sections. Fortunately, we have an excellent staff and if we add to that we will continue to secure quality educators. The educational needs of our students is our concern. Their dating relationships or time of lunch is not a consideration.

I do want to remind everyone that this is day one. We are excited that seniors are moving into an exciting and wonderful year. I ask that we work with our children to make this a memory worth keeping not an argument of who did what when.

The first day of school in terms of excitement is second only to the day of graduation. This day meet that definition. Yes, it was hot, but is was good to be back!

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