Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rain and Humidity

It is going to be another hot one! Twenty years from now we can tell those who will listen about the oven beginning to school way back then.

Parents -- please take a brief look at your darling children as they leave for school. I think a couple of them forget some inches of clothing as they leave the door. I know it is warm and we take that into consideration. This is not the beach or a Lady Gaga concert. If that is the way you go to work, I guess there is not much else to say.

We do not allow hats or non-religious required head coverings during the school day. The outer garment of clothing should cover the under garments. We do not need to see the "cute" boxer shorts with smiley faces or cartoon characters.

We have few rules and try and understand the younger fashion statements. Respect for self and others is common sense and not a old person's lack of understanding.

You help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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