Monday, January 17, 2011

Some Semester Transitions

The second semester starts Tuesday, Jan. 25. First thing in the morning we will have a very brief advisory and hand out second semester schedules.

Almost all 9th and 10th graders will have some type of change due to health and physical education being semester courses. Most of the electives are so more than half of the students will have some semester changes.

We are adding two English classes - one section of English 10 and one section of English 11. We are extremely fortunate to have the services of one of our former Student Teachers, Maura Nelson, to take those two sections.

We are also adding a zero hour Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class. Those students taking the class already know about this. But if you have a son or daughter that is interested in the IB Diploma but had difficulty fitting in TOK, now is the opportunity to take to Dick Schwartz and your counselor. There are a few seats left in zero hour.

For the upper grades, this semester movement is normal and they all have experienced it each year. The 9th graders have know about it all year since the electives and health and PE are semester courses. If you have questions, call your counselor.

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