Saturday, August 6, 2011

What do you suggest?

Some of the best advice fr incoming students and families is right out there. Many of you have been there, done that. Hope about sharing you bits of wisdom and experience?

How do you shift from elementary Mom (Dad) to high school parent?
How do you influence reasonable choice of clothes without all the conflict and drama?
How do you let go of your baby?
At what point do you let them accept responsibility for their actions - or lack of?
What is support and what is babying?
How can I not be a helicopter parent?
How do I protect my child and let them grow?
When do I step in and be the parent and rule enforcer?
How do I get them to ______ without nagging?
When do I start to worry?
What are the tale tell signs of _______?

You are the experienced ones. I am sure there is a parent student out there who has been through it. What can we share with our incoming or younger students and families. Email me and I will post the wisdom. If you do not want your name used, so indicate.

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