Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is in the air

Today is the official start of Spring -- or did I say Summer?

Mother/Father Nature is confused. Now sure what season we should be classing this. The grass is turning green, the trees are budding and young people's thoughts are turning to how can I get all the homework completed by Tuesday. Ok,maybe not all of that.

The weather makes us crazy. If it is supposed to be snowing and it is not, we get a excited. If it is supposed to be cool and it is already the middle of summer, we get a little stirred up. The barometric readings affect our behaviors. So if we are a little loud and frigidity you need to blame it on the weather.

You might want to see if your young person remembers to get completely dress before leaving for school We have a few children showing up that are showing way too much skin. It may be warm but we are not on the Florida beach yet.

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