Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fads Are Okay Sometimes

Putting holes in your body seems to be the big thing. Okay, so it has been around for a very long time. It is a worldwide common experience. Ear rings, nose rings and wide variety of other body located rings have been part of the human character for eons. So that is not the news. Our particular concern at the moment is health and safety. I would be foolish not to be aware that piercing happens at numerous parties and sleep overs. There are a variety of methods and means. to think that every pierced body part is completed in the sanitary medical facility is a bit naive. But I would like to think that the parties involved are concerned about infection and other health factors. Nowadays one can purchase all the necessary piercing equipment and supplies online. That may make it more convenient but not necessarily safe. If the individual chooses to have holes in his/her body I would hope it can be done in a manner that will not inflect other health hazards. Yes, we are aware that some of our students participate in piercing themselves and each other. In a few cases there seems to be some money exchanged for the services. I encourage all families to have a conversation about personal safety that includes the risks of infection and other blood carried diseases. We do not need to be fashion security but we are concerned about the health of our students and society. If you have questions please consult with your family doctor or health assistant. Please feel free to call the School Health office with concerns about students health, 612-668-3037.

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