Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Southwest Learning and Sharing Opportunities

About 350 students participated in an afternoon "sit-in" with discussions and sharing opportunities.  This peaceful demonstration of support and unity was organized by a few of the Southwest students.  The topics include, race, safety, neighborhoods, friends, making good choices, police interactions, and what can we do.

A walk out is planned for later in the day after lunch.  Southwest continues to operate a school day but encourages participants to make good choices and be safe.  These are serious times and hopefully families and friends are communicating.

Teenage passion run high.  It is good that young people are concerned about what is happening around the world and in our back yard.  Violence, hatred and injustice should make all of us angry.  Perhaps a time for reflection stops some of that.  Perhaps a group discussion supports the idea of working together for a common cause.  Maybe some thoughts reduce the violence.

A robo call is coming to parents of high school and middle school families from the Davis Center later this morning.

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