Monday, November 23, 2015

Tuesday November 24 - Sit In & Walk Out

Not sure I want to be 15 or 18 right now.  There is just too much happening that makes no sense and hurts too much.  Paris, Mali, Russian airliner, 4th Precinct, immigration, terrorism. internment and hate.  Craziness fills the nightly news and prime time TV news.  Main stream politicians make statements that should invoke fear and laughter.  Each day we have innocent people dying from a bomb or someone's gun.  We find bodies in the street across the globe and in our neighborhoods.

Oh, by the way, what about that war of 1812? or maybe we should figure out where that semi-colon really goes?  I really want to study my driver's test examine but that seems insensitive.  Once upon a time, high school was Friday night dates and connections and good friends and who is studying for what quiz.  Not any more.............

Tomorrow the word is that some of our students are planning a sit-in that is in memory of some unpleasantness or violence or death.  After talking about all that for a few hours some of our students are planning a walk out that will join up with students from other high schools and then will go to a park and talk about and listen to others about death and justice and wrongs and rights.

Each family should be having conversations about what is important and represents the values of the family.  Others should not be determining the value of the family or the individual.   Just following is not a solid answer or reason.  If I am going to make a statement I want to be certain that it is my statement and not an echo of others who I do not know.

We are headed into a weekend that contains numerous mixed messages.  The Native Americans did not need the disease and genocide that follows the unwanted and uninvited immigration of European foreigners.  Yes, there is much for which we should be thankful.  At the same time the story of pilgrims and American Indians sitting to a wonderful and peaceful feast is not exactly factual.  A wonderful hope and myth, but not true.

We live in a country that permits and encourages questions and discussions.  We push the edges and challenge the status quo.  These are confusing times.  And maybe we should be thankful and proud that they are.

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