Sunday, June 19, 2016

Southwest English Teacher on Summer and the Screens

School's out. Now, for a summer before a mind-dimming smartphone.

Kids will spend more time interacting with electronic devices than on any other activity besides sleep, and they'll be the worse for it — and they won't let go unless you make them.

I’m calling on all parents to do four things:
• Confiscate phones and laptops at, ideally, 9 p.m., but certainly no later than 10 p.m. Nighttime is the most dangerous time for kids and their use of electronics. If they tell you they don’t use them at night, they are lying. Be firm. Do not back down. I am psychically sending you strength right now, because kids who are especially addicted to electronics will fight you on this. Be prepared for this to be a siege that may take a few days. Have a plan to outsmart them before you take your stand.
• Have an electronics-free period of every day.
• Model restraint with your own electronics usage. I only use my smartphone as a tool. Unless we are FaceTiming with grandma or getting driving directions, for instance, I put the device away.
• Have an electronics vacation. Just spend some designated time — three days, a week, whatever — without electronics. It is liberating.

Sunday Star Tribune June 19, 2016
Thomas Johnson
English Teacher, Southwest High School

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