Thursday, October 8, 2009

Almost end of quarter

Mid-term grades went out. Parent Teacher Conferences are done. We made it okay this far. I think the first quarter of every year is the worst. The newest carries through the first few weeks. The first step is to not receive a mid-term--that would ruin homecoming and maybe even the first date and who needs that lecture? So we made it - teacher meet parents and no bad remarks.......

So I guess that means slide. Well, not exactly. These are the weeks that seem to catch folks by surprise. For the 9th graders that big sigh is one of "I have this figured out." For older kids it is " well I guess that works this year." And then here it comes.

The weather is suddenly nice so let's take a walk. Lots going on so let's do one more thing. Still a little lingering daylight so it is still early. The quarter remains nine weeks long - regardless of the amount of sunshine, regardless of the amount of activities - regardless of how you made it through the first five weeks.

That is not the time to panic either. What we need to remind our students is consistency - a slow but steady movement. No crash at the end, no panic a week before. These are the weeks to keep moving steadily forward, do the homework, study even with the sun still out and get the job done.

The worst GPAs are the first quarter grades. Let's make this a new turn.

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