Wednesday, October 28, 2009

And there are six of them

I have the advantage of being in classes almost every day. On most days that is several classes in one day. I enjoy my time with the students and teachers. I continue to be amazed and proud of the quality of instruction occurring.

However, did you ever try and follow a student schedule. The classes are 55 minutes in length and there is five minutes in between. Each classes is a serious study of some subject and, generally, is completely different than the one before or following. The student must mentally adjust to the subject for that period, the dynamics of the environment including different teacher and different students, and gather materials for that period. That happens three or four times in a row and then there is a 30 minute lunch and then two or three more periods.

In a given day the student makes countless adjustment and attempts to apply him/herself seriously to that subject and series of tasks. And that is every school day. I would suggest that there are few jobs that require such mental and physical adjustments every hour and continuously throughout the year.

For many students the classes are only part of the school experience. There are many students here at 6 am and many who do not leave until after 9 pm. Some of that is sports, some class work and quite a bit of clubs and activities.

I am not suggesting that we change much. I am suggesting that we pause and try to keep that in mind as our children face frustration or get a little down or feel overwhelmed. Sometimes it may be necessary to make some choices. It definitely requires time management and some self-discipline.

I believe the educational opportunity we provide students to be outstanding. The classes are exciting and worthwhile. However, I marvel at the powers of the young. I am convinced they are more flexible and able to adjust more quickly and mentally bounce from one thing to another much better than some of us that have gained the years of wisdom.

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