Monday, October 19, 2009

Won the battle and lost the war

Unfortunately the SW Boys Soccer team played almost an entire game in their opponents end of the field. With all that outstanding play, at the end of the game it was 0-0. After 2 ten-minute over time periods

Sports is one of those events where there are winners and losers. Regardless of the brilliance of the play or the fairness of what should be the outcome, one team is going to gain the W and one the L. At this point in the season, for one team that entitles them to one more and the L ends the season.

This was a great soccer season for the fans. The boys were state rated and ended with a fantastic record. The girls were undefeated in regular season play. What we need to remember is the city championship of both boys and girls, the great seasons and just some very nice hard working young people.

Today is much too close to talk about what we learned and how much we gained as young athletes and the character all this talks to as players and sportspersons. In the months to come we can celebrate a great season and congratulate the players and coaches.

The final score of this evening's game was not on our side of the board, but we know we have a team of winners and fantastic young men.


Anonymous said...

so proud of those boys!! And proud of SW school spirit from all the supporters who showed up. The heartbreak is hard - but the pride is strong.

Anonymous said...

Edi Becerra- you rock!! I know you feel like you let the team down- but remember: it's a team..... You are still the player to watch and i can't wait til you're a famous player and i can say, "hey- I knew him in high school!"