Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Harvest Moon

The past three nights have displayed spectacular moon shows. Now only was it Halloween, but this week is a four-school day week, the end of the grading period, finals week and re-test for the state graduation tests. Now if that is not enough to set things a little skewed -not sure what would.

I maintain that a fantastic research study would be to determine the correlation of the cycle of the moon, barometer pressure and student behavior. I have to believe it to be very high. That is not to say anything all that strange occured but there was an uneasiness throughout the building the past two days.

Now Monday was a left over sugar high and wasn't it fun to remember our childhood high. But it was a bit different. The leaves are finally falling from the trees and it is almost snowing. Fall and winter are acting a little odd like summer did a few months ago. It's okay but just not exactly right.

Once we get to real winter and there is normal snow and the weather is behaving as it should, then we will feel normal. But until then, it is a second trip to the locker for that forgotten book or a wasted wander down the wrong hallway for something that once was a good idea or how did I get this laste?

A day away from school on Friday and the start of a new moon, a new quarter and a new week on Monday will make it all better.

1 comment:

Jojo said...

Don't remind us of all the relaxation awaiting me....
one more day.
One more night of studying.