Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And the snows came

So it is the first big one of the 09 winter season. Ski teams are loving it!

This morning's drive was slow and cautious. Warnings everywhere. Go in early. Drive slowly. Take extra time.

So I guess the 150 plus students that were already here this morning by 7 am must have left home at midnight.

There is wrestling practice, numerous jazz groups throughout the building. Ski teams are always here and the runners in early morning halls must be one of those sports groups. I am not sure what would keep them out of the building,

But it does give them great stories to share with their grandchildren about their dedication and walking to school in knee high snow and so on. We definitely want to contribute to their life-long learners and talk tale stories from their youth.

So far a slow morning but fairly typical. Lots of kids and activities gearing up for another exciting day.

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