Saturday, December 19, 2009

BLAST Day Success

Over $20,000 was raised to provide water to some of the worst drought areas in the world - countries in the horn of Africa. Student Council sponsored the effort to bring attention to the plight of people around the world and provide a way to support relief efforts.

Part of the day festivities was a dance program performed by the Southwest Dance department. Part of the funds went to the Dance dept. and part to the water relief effort. There were two sold-out shows for the performances.

Unhinged played to two full house productions of the Complte Wrks of Wlm Shakespeare - Abridged in the Black Box.

The class - Mr. West's Sophomore English class - was treated to a pizza party for being the top fund raiser in this effort.

The entire school lunch time was catered by Divine Swine to add a treat for the efforts of the student. Ice Cream was the dessert and probably one of the larger ice cream celebrations of the year.

The day was a community day of fun and good spirit as students shared in the idea of community supporting communities.

It would be hard to find another group of 1,900 people gathered together for over 6 hours in relatively unstructured environment that had so much fun as part of a community with common purpose and reason for being there.

A good day -- thank you Student Council. Thank you students and families.

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