Friday, February 19, 2010

A long week

Spirit week is its own punishment. The snow sculptures were GREAT! Maybe the meltdown will not be as attractive but fun activity.

Student Council did a nice job with creating fun winter activities and staying out of the school (and academic) part of school. Maybe with students living closer to school in the coming years, these types of activities will be more inclusive of all the students. There still seems to be too many students who just have a connection with what is happening. Some of that may be distance.

Within any group of 1,700 people there are those who are greatly involved and those who have absolutely no involvement. So it is with school and the spirit week and especially the "Pep Fest." No matter how to try to make it more inclusive it sure seems like the same favorite children are in front and the same other children left out. The definitely is not the way the planning starts but it sure seems that is the way the implementation ends up.

But for the dance Saturday night, this is the end of another spirit week in the history of the school. I am sure there will plenty of happy and sad stories about the activities and events. I am sure there will be plenty exaggeration of both 10 years from now.

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