Friday, September 3, 2010

First Friday

The First Friday of the school year has become the traditional all school picnic and activities recruitment party. The circus tent is in the circle and the burgers start cooking early in the day. There is a choice of veggie burgers and salad and water to attempt to meet all the various dietary needs of our students.

The important part is the display of activities available to students. Definitely geared to introducing the 9th graders to the multitude of happenings in the school.

From 11:30 to 1:00 it is semi-chaos with picnic atmosphere, friendly cheer and the various clubs selling their wares and attracting new members. It is a loud and joyful opportunity to be a part of the high school community.

This year's extra treat was a temperature of around 60 with light mist. Considering it was 92 on Monday, this end of the week break was a welcome relief. It did dampen a bit of the outdoor activities including the ducking tank, but all seemed to enjoy the event.

Student can continue to sign up for sports and clubs. Announcements will be made as the different organizations have their organizational meetings. There is room for everyone.

1 comment:

Staff #1 said...

I just discovered your blog. Very nice to have a place to go to read about the inner workings of the school.

As my daughter is one who requires the vegeburger, thanks for the alternative and keep them coming. She's also in one very large math class, so will be following the puzzle solve very closely.

Jackie, mother of 10th grader