Friday, September 3, 2010

Week Number 1

What a fantastic week! This is the way to start a school year.

Things are beginning to settle down. I still expect some additional students who choose to come to school after Labor Day. We are enrolling new students as well. But I suspect we have the vast majority already with us.

Math, Physical Education, Health and Fine Arts classes are probably somewhat stable. There may be some movement as we balance classes that have over 40 students in them. Thus, your student's art class may get moved around because we are balancing a Biology section. There is no way to adjust one period without effecting all five. We attempt to make the changes with the least disruption possible.

Science, English and some Social Studies classes are large. We will start working with those this next week but probably will not get total resolution until the following week.

Southwest is a popular school and lots of kids and families want to be here. We will continue to work with district and families to make a positive experience for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these ongoing updates. It helps a lot as parents to know how/what you're monitoring and what your timelines and challenges are. Good luck making all the puzzle pieces work!

Barb Nicol, 10th grade parent