Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Time to Act -- Now

The Minnesota state budget for this year is now history. It probably can be explained as the good, bad and ugly budget. All current elected officials are declaring it wrong and not not in the best long-term interest of the state. That is interesting statement by itself. As the details are being worked out it is becoming clear that the real issue is - who will be hurt. We know for sure it will not be the 7,700 richest people in the state. This morning's paper noted that all the higher paying jobs went higher and all the rest of the jobs are seeing less pay. The wealth gap is widening and to some degree we can hold ourselves accountable due to whom we elect.

Regardless of too crowded phone lines or system crashes on the Internet, make your voice heard. Our representative government appears to be listening to party lines, special interests, one- agenda positions and those with lots of money. This is not a matter of choosing sides, it is a matter of trying to do the right thing. Whatever your own political views might be, tell your elected officials.

We need to get back in the game.

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