Saturday, October 1, 2011

Party buses and sleep overs arrowy words

Homecoming and other high school events are great fun. The stories live for years. Think back to you own high school days. Remember what you and your friends did before during and after those events?
I hear about them at reunion gatherings. Great stories at the thirty, forty and fifty year reunions.

Now that the thoughts are fresh in your mind, tonight is a grand event for your son/daughter. Has the word party bus slipped into the conversation? How about sleep over? Or a good one staying with a friend? I bet you used one of those a couple decades ago.

High school homecoming should be fun and a good time. Maybe you should have a conversation about safety and responsibility. Take a moment and have the conversation today that will make things okay on Monday.

Frequently the reunion stories are not funny for a couple of the involved persons.

Let's be safe.


Anonymous said...

I think it's sad that my daughter wouldn't go to the homecoming dance - even though she had a bunch of invites - because of HOW they dance. Why doesn't the school allow "swerving" *rubbing against each other) at dances? Just curious.

She's not comfortable with that and already chooses not to party (it seems most SW kids do) so she doesn't need another thing that makes her look "uncool" as she put it.

I just think it's sad that she had to choose between the dance and respecting herself. However, i think it's really great that she chose the latter.

Things are different now. We had rules when I was in high school about contact during dances. Only a handful of kids were partying. Time has changed things and society pushed the envelope far enough to make more things seem okay that really aren't.

Just sad to see that something as sweet and simple as a dance has become a highlight of that statement.

Bill Smith, SWHS said...

This parent brings up a reasonable concern, but I'm curious if his daughter attended the Link Crew Freshmen dance where the dancing was all forward facing. Also, I'm curious if this parent realizes that we're hosting a more traditional Sadies Hawkins Dance this year. Additionally, we're hoping to get a swing dance off the ground in conjunction with Keith Liuzzi.

The significance here is that we have a reputation for hosting dances where the students are inappropriately touching while they dance, so it behooves us to demonstrate that we are addressing the problem on several fronts. First, we should acknowledge the situation and adapt the wrist band policy that Ellen suggested. Second, we should advertise the various dance options to the parents. Third, we should re-visit the dance policy with the student council this week. I'm curious if they thought the dancing was inappropriate at Homecoming. Personally, I thought that the staff did a spectacular job breaking up inappropriate dancing quickly.

James Dundon
Southwest Student Council Adviser

Anonymous said...

Curious what the Student Council said on Homecoming. She didn't go (as mentioned) but I know when they had something at the old Quest club downtown no one was addresing the swerving. I just want her to have a shot at fitting in without compromising herself, you know?

Really happy that you take the time to write this blog. It matters and it shows you care. Thank you so much for taking the time.

Bill Smith, SWHS said...

Thanks for the comment. We appreciate the feedback. We will continue to work with our students.