Monday, October 10, 2011

"Study Help and Hints"

From time to time we will post study help and hints. A suggestion by one of our readers. How to support your daughter/son who is experiencing a momently lull in his/her scholarly efforts.

Check out the website under the parent and student section for additional ideas and a storehouse of great ideas. A website where students can take an interest inventory or a reality check -my freshmen did these last year and really liked virtually deciding their future house, family, lifestyle and seeing how much money they'll need to make to achieve these dreams and then what jobs they need to obtain to make that money.

Other ideas I liked are job shadowing or informational interviews. These are 2 brief, but experiential ways to help visualize post-secondary options. Of course, these aren't at all quick fixes for getting this weekend's homework done and raising grades before the quarter's end, but they could inspire.

I need to help him with basic organizational skills and study skills. Maybe some new tools will give a feeling of success from day to day and he won't feel so lost at the end of the week or before the tests.

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