Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Breakfast at Southwest

Breakfast at Southwest.  Not the greatest picture to show off the new and improved food offerings for sstduents.  Breakfast is not as a dramatic change as the lunch menus.  All students can eat breakfast for free.  Eating to Learn!

Minimal lines at breakfast.  Right now we are working with a few late buses to get them here earlier so all our students can ejoy breakfast.

Lunch menu are FANTASTIC!  Each day more students are moving through the lines in a quicker manner.  We are learning.  I'll attempt to capture the lunch flavor today and post.

School Lunches are not what they used to be.

1 comment:

Peg said...

My daughter is in complete disbelief about how improved the breakfasts and lunches are at Southwest this year. Breakfast features pancakes with all kinds of fresh fruit. But lunches apparently are a game changer. She says that kids who normally head for the door during lunch are staying in the cafeteria. She was with three friends yesterday at lunch and they all had really healthy meals and each has something different. So thank you so much for this wonderful change. Peg Thomas