Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And the testing is over for the time being

We finished day two of the state mandated tests in writing, reading and mathematics. The morning went by quickly (but not for the students taking the tests) and without incident. Now we wait on the results.

If there is some problem and a student did not successfully demonstrate proficiency, there are numerous other times to re-take the test(s). As the student approaches his/her senior year, the pressures increase because the opportunity to re-test is reduced. But we want to work and support the student in order for that not to be a problem.

I think the rains helped. The major storm was not planned but both mornings were not as beautiful and inviting as has been the case. Being stuck a classroom taking a test is not near as difficult when it is rainy and miserable outside.

Thursday is back to a regular school day. We have some make-up test time scheduled for those students ill or absent for other reasons those days. But we basically finish the week in a routine manner and back to wonderful educational opportunities throughout the day in all our classes.

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