Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pianos in the halls

So there are two pianos in the main hall. Now there is a rather long and complicated story to all that. But maybe it is best to forget all of that and accept to reality that there are two pianos in the main hall.

5th period is the time for piano recitals. We have a piano class that period and we need space so why not spread music throughout the building?

Yes, we have moved it around to try and find a way not to distrub classes. Sometimes it is a wonderful stream of music. Sometimes it is the stumblings of trying to learn a new piece. But regardless it is music in the hallways. I gues that is better than chaos and confusion.

Don't you love it. On any given day you can wander through a hallway and be surprises by the new adventure you find yourself part of. You can not be a visitor at Southwest without being part of the experience. This is not a passive place you wander by. You step in and you are part of the action. At any given moment, you are part of the presentation, a film, a happening, part of a discussion, stepping through the behaviors that represent teen-agers and young adults. You cannot come into the building without being involved and and intregrel part of the learning.

So we have two pianos in the main hall. Enjoy the music of life.

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