Monday, April 12, 2010

Mandated State Testing Tuesday and Wednesday

These are the days we all love. Two full mornings tied up with state mandated tests that will determine if the student is going to receive a diploma. 9th grade is writing, 10th grade is reading and 11th grade is mathematics. 12th graders who have not demonstrated proficiency in all three are taking make-up tests.

The two days are official school days. The students are assigned to a classroom for about three hours. We use the entire building to make the testing situation smaller and hopefully more comfortable and in familiar surroundings. We hope this provides the students with positive opportunities to complete the tests successfully.

We notify the students in advance and ask that they bring study or reading material with them if they think they will finish early. Students are not allowed to have cell phone or ipods or other electronic equipment in the testing room. You can understand the security issues surrounding those rules.

Freshman have school on Wednesday even though their test is concluded on Tuesday. We request that they bring study materials and make good use of the time to read and make-up school work. We want a quiet and orderly building for all of our students during this testing period. If you have a doctor appt that day or some other family situation you may want to use this day for such.

Ask your son/daughter to get a good night's rest, eat a decent breakfast and do your best on the tests. There is sufficient pressure on this entire process so having some conversation about relaxing and not get caught up in the anxiety would be helpful. You know your daughter/son and how he/she reacts to this.

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