Thursday, April 15, 2010

Weather is warmer and outside more -- remember safety

Longer daylight hours - more time to be outside - earlier in the morning and later in the evening.

Now is a good time to review with your entire family (and talk to yourself a bit) safety tips. Regardless of your age or the age of your children (or gender) a reminder that there are nuts people out there is a good idea. Not everyone is your friend.

We are fortunate to live in a relatively safe city with good law enforcement which is visible. But that does not eliminate the need for all of us to walk in pairs or groups whenever practical. Beware of the surroundings. Do not accept rides from anyone except family members or the very closest of friends. Be cautious and safe.

As you probably read in the newspaper there was a problem in the early evening of someone attempting to grab a young girl. Fortunately, the end was OK but I am sure it was scary for the young person. All of us and our children need to know what to do in an emergency and what our first reactions will be.

This is a place of great wonderful outdoor adventures. Almost any time of the day or night one sees people out walking or jogging. The vast majority of the time nothing unsafe happens. But it is better to have than safety conversation one more time than to regret not having it later.

Have fun, enjoy the time and be safe.

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