Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Optional readings-thoughts and possibilities

Moving through July rapidly. No doubt many have exhausted the reading list at this point and looking for some other options. I would like to offer a few. I encourage others to add to the list.

Devil in the White City by Eric Larson
A true story with fictional additions about a serial killer and the building of the World's Exhibition in Chicago. A story of mystery and marvel.
A murder mystery and a story of the creation of the Ferris Wheel. Good read and definitely worth the time.

Zeitoun by Dave Eggers
A non fiction that you want to believe is fiction about the aftermath in New Orleans after the Katrina hurricane. At points a feel good read and many times sad and shameful. This is not a book about a faraway country but here in our country in purr time.

Coal Black Horse by Robert Olmstead
Civil war novel about a boy's search for his father. In some ways a "war is hell" book and others of a boy coming of age and times of the bad and good of people. Violence is a part of it because of what is the subject matter.

Happy reading. May your visits to the library create dreams.

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