Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer reading required for 9th grade

Well, one month is out of the way. July is upon us and quiet reading time in the library, at the lake or in the shade of the big tree, now is the time to get the book. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is a good summer time read. It is funny, contains action and is almost a biography for some realism.

Junior (the main character) plays out several of the situations that were part of Alexie's life growing up. Like Alexie, Junior decides to leave his Spokane Indian Reservation to attend an all-white high school miles away. A big move for a young man without the support of his parents and friends (or bullies as the case may be). It is the story of a young boy going through his adolescent wanderings and in a new and different culture.

Some may have read S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders. If you like that book you will enjoy this one. Good points of comparison and definite opportunities for discussions. What is it like to make a major shift in your life from one place you at least know to another unfamiliar and many times unfriendly.

Good summer read. Alexie is a poet and like to use the language. You can sense this is a personal book. The title includes "Diary" and you can believe that part of this might be from his. The book is a young person growing up and so there is some sex reference and some violence. Neither are the point of the book. Also contains great basketball action for those into sports.

57 days from now some 9th grade English teacher is going to ask questions about this book. This is a good time to check it out.

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