Monday, July 5, 2010

The Stories of Your Families

What are the stories you want your children to tell?

The Latehomecomer is the story of a family the individuals in that family and the author. Some are her memories. Some are stories told to her by her family. Some are the traditional stories of culture and heritage. Some might have been true. Some might have been the way we want to remember them. This a good book and it reminds us that we were all immigrants at one time.

When you come together as a family do you not spend a good deal of time relating those past events or sharing secrets of what happened when. When friends gather do you not share memories that you would like to believe, the stories many times are more fun than the facts of the moment ten years ago or so. In the stories there are foundations and moments of real events. The years edit and add and thankfully subtract.

What are the stories your children will tell about today and yesterday?

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