Sunday, January 8, 2012

Carpet replacement is the objective.

This past Wednesday we attempted to replace some carpet in the lower level of the west building (Mr. Kennedy and Ms. Marsnik's rooms). In keeping with Murphy's Law what started as a rather simple project became immediately complicated. Renovations will do that.

Once the actual project started it was discovered that there is asbestos tile under part of the carpet. The project immediately stopped and we are now developing a plan for removal of the tile and replacement of the carpet. In the meantime we need to protect the damaged area. We want to make certain that the students and staff are safe.

We will move classed from the damaged areas Monday and probably Tuesday at the least. We will monitor the air conditions both in the classrooms and the hallways. Lab results will determine our next moves. Once we have recommendations from our outside asbestos contractor, we will take the necessary actions. That may be repairing the area temporarily and finding a break time to permanently repair the rooms.

If you have questions please contact me. We are thankful the district continues to improve the classrooms at Southwest. It is unfortunate an unforeseen problem is causing some inconveniences. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

The safety of our students and staff will always be our first concern.

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