Sunday, February 7, 2016

Southwest Spirit Week February 8-11, 2016

High School traditions are fun and memorable.  There are so many adventures and experiences in those years that are talked about for all the decades to come.

The picture is the poster for the outfits of the week - actually four days.  Some may need more definitions and examples than others.  The organizers continue to attempt to create fun themes and events.  Finding something that appeals to everyone is extremely difficult.  What one person finds as exciting and thrilling another finds boring and dull,  No one want to accidentally offend another person.  The main idea is to be inclusive and collective.  It is a part of building community.

Frequently, our attempts of creating events that brings us together fall short.  That does not mean we should not continue trying.  The four years of high school are very important to social and psychological development.  Students arranged over four grades and an age range of about six years suggests a great deal of different likes and dislikes.    The common link is being in the same place at the same time.  For a fair amount of students that is a sufficient beginning for the development of friends.  The diversity of interests generates options and opportunities for this group and that group.

Regardless of the event, the purpose is to build community. It is also referred to as school spirit.  Gathering together in one place day after day does bring about familiarity.  But we also want respect and caring and sharing.  A community has a common purpose and a sense of belonging.  These events attempt to provide common experiences that promote understanding and awareness of each other.

So another year comes around and we probably over think and try to once again be creative in our choices of themes and banners and rallying phrases.  A final thought would be to be kind to one another.  Regardless of how exciting and wonderful I think all of this might be, there are others who have no use for it and will tell you how left out and isolated it makes one feel.  It is only four days and perhaps the next event will be that exciting one you find exciting and wonderful.

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