Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cloudy Morning and Bright Futures

Rain during those last few school days are an educator's dream. Okay so that is a bit boring, but we get excited about little ones reading and the sudden glow in the eyes when new learning happens.

Senior awards last night. That was on top of the last orchestra, strings and chamber music group playing for the lat time with its five seniors. Most every thing went well. As with any large number program, there are a few mix ups. No matter how hard we try it seems like every year there are some mistakes.

Jean Sherwood, the counselors, Ryan Lamberty, Athletic Director and Barbara Mahal - Counseling clerk spend hours trying to mesh the awards with the names with the scholarships with the various certificates and honors. That is one of those good news bad news things. We are a very active school and our students earn lots of awards and do very well academically. Thus, trying to tie all of that into a night of recognition becomes a tremendous challenge.

It was an exciting night and hopefully a community festival or pride and satisfaction. This has been a good year and these are a great bunch of graduates.

But a bit on the humid side with a little showers. See what happens today.

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