Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ambassdor of the Repubic of Panama and Assistant MN Education Commissioner at Southwest

Assistant Commissioner Minnesota Department of Education Ella Dimayuga-Bruggeman and
Ambassador of the Republic of Panama Mario E. Jaramillo talk with Southwest students

Southwest students met and talked with the Minnesota Assistant Commissioner of Education Ella Dimayuga-Bruggeman and the Ambassador of the Republic of Panama Mario E. Jaramillo this week during a visited sponsored by the Minnesota International Center.  The students and Ambassador discussed education and employment issues and opportunities.

The Minnesota International Center mission: "Working with local, national and international partners, MIC creates conversations across cultures in communities and classrooms throughout Minnesota. We strive to inspire our community to understand global issues and cultures in an ever changing world by encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences among the people of Minnesota and visitors from around the world."

Students asked questions and responded to the Assistant Commissioner and Ambassador's questions about education in America and at Southwest and their view of the future in a global world.  Ambassador Jaramillo was familiar with International Baccalaureate schools and noted he was "impressed with their awareness of world issues and quality and depth of questions."

The visit by the Assistant Commission and Ambassador is one of many Southwest students will experience throughout the school year.  Being world-mindedness and a concern about the quality of life the world over is brought into the classroom by visitors from other countries and cultures.

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