Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thursday during School Hours Don't Park Near School

Thursday, February 10 is going to be a terrible parking day. The Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce are holding their educational meeting at Southwest. Members from throughout the city will experience the wonders of trying to park legally near the school. They will be visiting with us and holding their workshops.

So, if you can wait another day, come back later. You will not be able to park within blocks of the school during regular school hours on Thursday. We are not the most parking friendly as it is. With that many visitors, it will be much worse.

We enjoy people being here and sharing the day with our students, but it does have a down side when it comes to parking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please tell us how this visit goes! Was the idea for them to see how a great school operates? Is there any room for them in the building, given how many students we pack in every day? Hope it goes well!

Barb Nicol, 10th grade parent