Saturday, February 5, 2011

Winter Formal 2011 is Part of History

Well the music continues to get louder -- it has nothing to do with my age. The beat pumps through the lights and furniture. Three hours of pounding rhythm and we have a dance. The popular color for the ladies fashions this evening was a return to traditional black. I have seen more cloth on swim suits than most of the dresses tonight.

The gentlemen wore the ageless slacks and shirts with collars. The vast majority did have a tie and very few jackets tonight. There were even a few couples with a tie matching the color of his date's dress. Guys fashion for a dance has not changed in 200 years.

I think all had fun. A bit over 700 in attendance and a bunch of great parent volunteers who supported the kids with coat checks and being around. We need to work on the beverage thing and figure out what the ladies should wear when dancing rather than bare feet. But if those are our biggest problems I guess we might be okay.

Yes, the dances are different than when we were 16 but isn't just about everything. The couples staring into one an other's eyes and 12 inches apart is an era gone. Over top of the electrical pounding sound of drums one has almost no understandable words and no one is going to call this group of artists crooners.

Well, prom is the next big one. So if you want to experience a teenage dance, there is time left to volunteer.

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